Friday, November 25, 2011


Rachel turned 14!  I cannot believe how all my children are growing up.  I can see how in just a few years I will be left alone...with Laneah and Garth:)
I remember when we had just moved to Logan, UT with her as a baby.  It seems the time has gone by so quickly.  I never wanted her to grow up, I wanted her to stay "my baby" and it seems she did for so long, letting me snuggle her and always giving me long hugs.
Rachel is learning life lessons as she gets older, and seems to do it with grace.  She has many older siblings to learn from and does not have to "experience" it all.  At times she chooses to take in a lesson she learns from observing others.  She avoids groundings, attitude adjustments, and awkward situations it seems.  She has an obedient spirit and desires to follow Christ and do the "little things" that make all the difference.  Prayer, Scriptures and even her journal.  I am grateful for her consistency and her disposition of sunshine--for she truly shines with her radiant personality and smile.  She is a bit of sunshine in our home!

Josh and Isaac made this "Birthday Hat" on the spur of the moment.  It is out of a paper plate and pineapple leaves with a stapler.  Rachel was a good sport!

Rainbows of Fall

Someone captured how I feel about nature...this reminds me of the Logan, UT canyon drive.  I do love the colors of Fall.

 This was titled, "The Rainbows of Fall"

A stroll through the woods, a mountain hike, a nap on the beach,
in such encounters with nature we often find peace.

There's just something about the leaves, rocks, and sand
that makes us feel at home in this world.

They release us from the humdrum of our busy lives and
bring us back to the basics of life.

Love.  That is as basic as it gets.   God must love us to provide such beauty.  Thank you God, for the peace your creations bring!  It reminds me You are there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"ROCK, Paper, Scissors...."

This is such a funny story, and will be retold for years to come, that it deserves it's own post!
"Rock, paper, scissors" is something all the kids have grown up with.  It is used when an errand needs to be run, an extra job, or when it is to be decided who will help Laneah with homework.  Laneah is just catching on and wants to participate, which results in her going around finding a reason, then an unsuspecting, (but willing) person to do it with her.  This makes us all laugh.
Then came the event.

She had got Josh to participate with her. The drama began with her consistently only choosing "rock" which led to Josh trying to explain to her how you played the game and which choice "won" over the other.  Laneah got frustrated when her "rock" was not winning each time, (which in her mind should have) and decided to demonstrate visually how "rock" was the winning choice.
Insert explanation:
We have all the windows and the french doors open in the day, to cool the house when the trade winds come through.  I have brought home some handy large lava rocks to hold down papers on the desk/computer area which were always blowing all over the room.

She goes over to the counter, gets a rock, brings it over and wraps a piece of paper around it and smashes it on the table proclaiming, "see, "ROCK" beats paper!!!  "See, the wind?  It does not move!"
It was quite funny in the telling and re-telling of it!

The only problem was...the table had glass on top.  What do you do?  I saw the table when I came in and was shocked, but after the explanation, all you can do is just laugh!  Just writing this makes me laugh again.  We have packaging tape on the glass.  Don't feel like throwing it away...yet.  Too much of a memory we are still enjoying.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My first Maui Sunrise

I saw my first Maui sunrise!
Amazing to see the first new glimpses of a new day.
It was from the top of Haleakala, a 10,026 foot volcano.  I was surprised to feel how cold it was!
I brought several layers because we heard it was cold, but did not know if I would actually use them.  After all, I am from Utah and I know what cold REALLY is.  I used them all.  I think that being here for 5 months has made me "soft" as far as being able to withstand the cold temperatures.  Guess I am not in any hurry to return to them.
I thank God every day I am here and for the beautiful and new things I see each day.

"I believe in God like I believe in the sunrise, not because I can see it, but because I can see all that it touches."  ~C.S. Lewis
(thanks Yvonne!)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"They Call the Wind Mariah"

                              Melonie & Mariah    July 2011 
                       Hancock Reunion--Spanish Fork Canyon, UT

  "Mariah, Mariah, they call the wind Mariah".
My dear little Mariah, who is now all grown up.   I am so grateful that Mariah is still with us.
On Sunday, Sept 11, 2011   Mariah was driving home late from Logan, Utah to be back for school on Monday.  She got tired, (at 2:00 am who would not) and drifted into a semi-truck and hit his tires.  It took her mirror off and scratched up the whole side of her car.  It makes me cringe to think what could have been much worse had she drifted into the middle of his trailer and gone in between the tires.....  She did not over correct and went off to the side of the road and had a meltdown.  She had tried to call us to talk and keep awake, but we were all asleep.

The Lord will not take away our agency, and lets us make sometimes  unwise choices.
But if we are trying to keep the commandments and follow Him, if our mission is incomplete and it is not our time to go, we will still encounter consequences for our actions, and poor decisions, but He can protect us from leaving this life too early.  Mariah has evaluated the take-away lessons this helped her to see at this time in her life.  There were many for her.  The main one I see is that she was very protected, the Lord is aware of her, and she is loved.  Sometimes it takes a shaking-up to help us see the obvious things in our life, that we are loved and He is aware of each individual life and there is a grand plan for each of us.  Being reminded of this and knowing He is there gives us hope and pushes us to seek Him more in a deeper way.  If we have the right perspective , we are richer for the experience.

I remember when she was in 2nd grade in Logan, UT.  Her teacher used the guitar in the classroom, and she taught the whole class songs.  One of the songs they learned was "They called the Wind Mariah".  It was so cute to hear them sing it and it has always stuck in my mind, "Mariah, Mariah, they call the wind Mariah".  She was such a spunky little girl, and so friendly to everyone.  She is a wonderful help in the home, does everything so well, and is organized.  I miss her!  I am so glad we still get to enjoy her in our family.  We look forward to her coming in December when she is done with school. We will be waiting with open arms when the wind again blows her in our direction.    We love you Mariah!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Through Nature, God Speaks

I am trying to listen.
God speaks in many ways.  He uses mediums we are familiar with, and even ones we are not in hopes of exposing us to the many ways and means of His endless ability to try and reach us.  Nature is one of them, but do we notice or are we listening?  I bought a book which I have referred to on-line but not owned till now, "Animal Speak",  in hopes of learning, noticing, observing and listening.   A friend was talking to me the other day here, he was raised Atheist and found God on his own terms after many trials and errors.  He told me an exercise he used and is teaching his teenage girls, which I want to remember.  We can hear God and feel His presence, but we have to listen.  You know, how do we learn to listen?  I have asked this many times, because it is not that easy to just do. I am sorry for my weakness in this, but sometimes I just don't recognize it.  I needed a tool or something. 
This song expresses some of my feelings, there is a God and nature can speak to us.

 He said something that struck me.
 This is it.
"How far can you listen?"  I said what do you mean?  He explained:  You sit and listen...Go to the immediate surroundings--people in the room, radio, then go farther, the next room-- TV on in house, a fan, then farther, outside--birds, cars, wind, then farther.  Downtown--more cars, the beach (for me) waves,  then try for farther, let go, don't think. Where are you? What do you feel?  What do you hear?  Is someone there?  A Presence?
What a wonderful exercise and a tool to help me!

I recalled a Cardinal bird that came and sat next to me. This was about a month ago.  I have been pondering this.   It just stayed there within 2 feet of me, just watching me. I went and got the camera.  It was still there.  I took a picture.  For about 10 minutes we just "observed" each other.  It was beautiful.  I expressed gratitude.  I wondered.....Was it for me?  I saw one the next day and several more times that week and looked it up. I wondered again.
I saw another one in the parking lot in the middle of town a few days ago in the parking stall I was pulling into.   It reminded me of this previous experience.  I will error on the side of thinking that anything good comes from God, and not possibly miss the message that was becoming obvious.
What  do Cardinals mean?  Just a few highlights:  We have an opportunity to renew our own vitality and recognize the importance of our own life roles.  We should be listening to the inner voice and aspects of creativity and intuition more strongly.  Be more  careful about your diet, that what you are eating may be injurious to yourself and affecting your overall vitality.  Cycle of 12 is important.    "Animal Speak"  Ted Andrews
 All good things to work on.   Thanks for the reminder.   I just had some tests done, and yes, I am allergic to some of the things I use for protein, almonds and some grains, wheat, quinoa and amaranth.  I will work on this.  Hhmmmm. How did that cardinal know all that? :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reasons I love Hawaii-And a few Other Observations

I started a  list months ago when I first arrived of the things I loved about Maui.
I had to add a few funny observations that make me smile.
It is getting long, so I will put them here and continue adding....

The water is always warm, but refreshing-NOT cold
No one cares what you look like
Casual is fantastic and acceptable everywhere!
If it happens, it happens.  If not, no worries!
People always say "hello" or "aloha" to you.
No one is in a hurry
45 mph is the "normal" speed
People do not honk at you-ever.
Exotic fruits are a staple-Yummy!
Flowers are everywhere
The fragrant smell when I walk in the morning
I am never cold
My skin is soft
My lips are not chappy
The beach is a 10 min. walk
There are no "ice sculptures" or fancy handouts in RS.
A table cloth is extra special
Centerpieces are not required
In every home, making rice is on the daily "To Do" list
My hair is REALLY curly!
swimming suits are worn everywhere-except church.
I am starting to feel calm and "be still."
I have been here for over 3 months and every day is....
        "another beautiful day on Maui!"

"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; 
   Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."

Thank you God for bringing me here!

Traveling Home

I was able to go to Utah soon after Leticia's husband, Samson returned from Iraq.  They  were moving to Tuscon, AZ and I now got to help her move.  I also had a Hancock family reunion in Springville Canyon and loose ends to tie up.  It was wonderful to see family again!
Traveling back, looking out the window, watching the ground below--cropcircles, roads to everywhere, squares of rich earth, clouds.

   After hours of flying over land, I was now over water.  I was getting closer.   The blue water with clouds below me...a feeling welled up inside of me, quite unexpected--I was almost home!  Out in the middle of the ocean was what I have come to feel as home.  I was coming, my family is waiting.  My home, in the middle of the ocean.

Then another thought came to me very clearly.  The similarity was stark and real.  It looked like heaven, with blue sky and white clouds.  But it was really water. Looking below, I could see the sky above.   I have another home I long to return to.  Tears came to my eyes.  I wanted and desired to do everything I possibly could to return there.  I have family there too, waiting for me to return.

Someday I'll return.  One day, I want to go home.  With His help I will get there, to my Home, up above.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Twin Falls and commercials

Our resident tour guide, which we have constant access to because he lives with us...Isaac... took us to Twin Fall,s which he had been to with friends.  The anticipation of jumping off a waterfall in Maui was satisfied!  It was a beautiful hike as well.  A jungle to say the least and many varieties of tropical flowers and plants to enjoy.  It looked similar to the Tarzan movie - huge trees, swinging vines, and all.  

(Rachel and Joshua)

But when your children want to start imitating shampoo commercials of bathing under a waterfall with exaggerated looks of pleasure on their faces, you have to ask yourself..."What are the benefits of watching commercials these days?"   Actually, it was pretty funny!!!

(Joshua and Isaac)
Look at the two monkeys in the roots of this huge tree!!

(Laneah, Joshua. Kathy and Garth jumping.)

It was a great family outing, enjoying the beauty of Maui.  One thing that was made very clear today though was that Garth and I are not "young and irresponsible" any more.  Garth would not jump off a 25+ ft. waterfall. It took him at least an hour and several unsuccessful attempts before jumping, and going with Kathy off the lower one to get up his nerve, not wanting to be showed up by girls!  (To be fair, the higher one was slippery, strewn with roots up to the edge of the jump spot.)  It was our own conclusion we came to after realizing he used to jump off 50 ft. ones in AZ when he was "young".  The irresponsible thing is still up for debate...  What a wonderful, fun day!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rituals and Graduation

We went to several High School Graduation celebrations here.  It made me think of all the rituals we participate in, from family traditions to cultural rituals that have been passed down for generations.  Some are worthy of repeating and others......  It probably should be qualified by the purpose and intent in which we perform them.  Some, which have symbolic meaning, have been lost through laziness in keeping of the tradition and not passing on to younger generations the meaning, purpose and value of them.  I find the Hawaiian culture is consistent in keeping of the traditions of their culture and remembering their heritage and the rituals performed by ancestors.  They celebrate, -in a big way- the First birthday of a child because of the joy in nurturing a child that has lived past the first fragile year of life, and then the graduation from High School because of the few who persist and endure through the process to the end.  It is a great  accomplishment.  It also reminds you of the deep roots of family and all members in contributing to the raising of a child to an adult. 

(The Money Dance-to pay for the party!)

  (The Graduation table-whole roasted pigs and all.)

(Tongan rug given by families to graduated student)

If a tradition brings a sense of family or a ritual (like the Sacrament) brings you closer to, or reminds you of Christ, then it is worthy of participating in.  Many things can also remind us of Christ, if we look for and see Him in all around us.  But like the example of the sacrament, unless done with prayer, pondering, remembrance and true intent when performed, it is just bread and water.  A rock is just a rock~ till you see God in the beauty and the skill in it's creation and your thoughts, then in turn, remind you of Him.

In generations  past, people participated in the ritual of putting a penny in their shoe to "remind" them every time they would feel it.   The growl in our stomach when we have fasted and skipped several meals is to remind us of "why" or the intent of our fast.  To even desire or want for any food is replaced by another higher purpose.  If no purpose is presented at the beginning of the fast, you are skipping meals and starving for no reason.  There is no purpose or meaning and desire is lost.

In a ceremony for elementary graduation, many dances were performed and the highlight for the ceremony was a dance performed by a young girl about the culture here.  I found myself unexpectedly brought to tears as I watched how she danced with beauty and grace in her movements and the story she told with music and dance.  It was a moving expression of tradition filled with symbolic meaning that was being passed to the younger generation, not to be lost. 

I find it is easier to "be still" here, the pace is slower.   To see him in the beauty around me, in the people, and in all things.   I am learning and developing traditions and worthy rituals.   I hope there will be things that I teach and pass on to my children and others that has purpose, symbolic meaning and brings them closer to Christ  that will be a treasured tradition.

Family Friends--Update

Our friends have moved on.  The Friedman family ended up having to tie up some loose ends and go back to CO. and are making the best of having to leave.  They will be staying there after all.   They felt that it was a nice "extended vacation" and  it was time, they needed to move on.  Their experience here taught them much. Slowing down and enjoying the moment~ living in the present~ God's love through creation and beauty~ family~ and trust in God.  They are wonderful people and the connection was made, for a reason only known by him who brought us together for a few short weeks.  I thank them for the opportunity of their welcoming, unassuming friendship.  My visits with Beth were both eye opening, and memorable for me.  I miss her smiling face!!   We hope and pray the best for them, but will miss their family.

  (Melonie & Beth)

(David Friedman, Kathy, Rachel, Garth, ?)

The remnants they left behind from the sale they had before they moved will bring memories of our first weeks here with them, and they will  be remembered each time the boys go surfing or play at the beach.  Isaac bought the various surf boards which were used in their first attempts at surfing.  I am sure, trying to teach us the tricks of Maui and     "not turning your back on the sea" brought back memories of them arriving here 18  months ago.  I am sure we will see you again.  Till then...
"Mahalo" and "Aloha" to the Friedman family. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Graduation-Isaac Turley

Isaac graduated this year, but it was in a bit of an unconventional way. He had to complete his year early so we could move. He missed all the events and the pomp and ceremony that go with graduation from high school. Isaac really came through tho to get it all done and make the sacrifices he needed to accomplish the task. He is a driven, extreme, funny, intelligent and resourceful guy who, when he sets his mind to something, will get it done, so just get out of the way! For example, he was invaluable when getting us moved out of the house as I was recovering from surgery. Leading me by the hand out of my bed and telling me to lay on the couch so he could bring box after box of books from the shelves and show them to me, one by one, to see which ones to pack and which ones to give away. He wanted to move to Maui REALLY bad. For him, we could not get out of there soon enough. If I were to pick one person (other than Garth) to go on an adventure and all the work that goes into getting ready, high energy fun and discovery, then the aftermath of returning and unpacking, it would be Isaac. Thanks for being there when I needed you and not going early with dad. Thanks for all the fun times, and for the changes and growth you have made as you graduate into a new phase of life full of more changes, adventure and transformation into the man you are to become. I love you!

"If the veil were rolled back and you could just see one glimpse of God's great eternal plan concerning you and who you are, it would not be hard for you to love Him, keep His commandments and live to be worthy of every blessing that He has had for you since before the foundations of the world were laid." ~Elder LeGrand Richards

Father's are Not Alone

I can't help but be touched by this song and know there are so many families out there who struggle. But without the struggle, there would not be the growth. We just have to ask the right source for help. It makes my heart soar to know that there are fathers out there who are reaching out to God for help. After listening to his song I saw the one of the story about "Lead Me" and it made tears come to my eyes, knowing that many are finding God in their own way, on their own path with their tailor- made struggles and trials, crafted by the Master Teacher.

We watched this today as a family and everyone loved it. You have to get to the end to get the real message that is there for us all. I am so grateful for a wonderful husband who leads our family in righteousness and truly loves to be with his family. What a wonderful path God set him on to make him the man he is today for our family. It was not without it's struggles, but I praise the trials we have gone through to bring us to the place we are today! I love you Garth. Thank you for being the patient and loving companion you are to me!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Unexpected Answer

I have a story I need to record, for this blog is about seeing and being "led by the hand of God" (Omni 1:16) in our journey. If I recognize and record it he will reward us with more experiences that let us know He is there; watching, leading and guiding our lives to bring us to Him. I had been praying and asking about some things, wondering what I would be doing here and wanting to know the purpose of why we are here. I know there are probably many reasons, but I was needing to know in a more personal sense so I would know what to do or how to prepare. The answer came in an unexpected way. Honey.

When we ask a question, it is best not to have a preconceived idea of how the Lord should answer us, just let it go and let it come, however he chooses to answer. Sometimes looking for it only in the way it should be in our mind, we miss the answer because it is different than we expect and we do not recognize or accept it. (I know this from experience.)
I was driving home on May 21st and one block from my house I passed a man dressed in a suit for beekeeping with a swarm of bees close at hand. As I drive by, It comes to me I need to stop, but then almost talk myself out of it. I turn around and stop to talk. I had wanted to find raw honey and honeycomb, but was not sure when or where I would find it. He had them both. Turns out that wild bees like to make hives in the electrical boxes around the island, so they call him to come and get them. He then puts them in hives and colonizes them with others sometimes and puts the hives all over ,then collects the honey and sells it. He has tried to sell the honeycomb, but people don't know what to do with it or the value it holds. He was happy to have a customer. I am amazed the source for honey shows up a block from my house with in the 30 minutes I was driving by on the day he was collecting the bees.

Just to be sure I get the message, another bee shows up. We were staying in a motel time share we had to use. We never got to come to Maui, too expensive to fly in here. So now, here we are and it was available. So we played on another part of the island for a week and got to visit an "Auntie" we have over here, Samson's Auntie Marisha in Lahina. She was fun to hang out with. She books tours so we went para sailing and snorkeling to a great place. We saw 2 turtles and and octopus. Under the water is fascinating and just as beautiful in its own way. Oh, Back to my story...So on the stairs right by our door is this HUGE bee. (it was bigger than a bumble bee) It cannot fly for some reason so I move it to a nearby plant to keep it safe. Yes, I get it. I have a source for raw honey and honeycomb. God has a plan and a purpose.

Friday, June 3, 2011

3 Sunsets separtated by miles of water

Sunset in Logan, UT looking at the Wellsville Mountains.

Beautiful Sunset in the White Mountains, AZ area.

I have always loved sunsets. I love sunrises too, but they are a bit early. I don't catch as many of those. It occurred to me the other day that it is a bit tricky to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset from a picture. They look the same. God placed a setting of the sun at the end of the day, and a rising of the sun at the beginning of the day. No matter where you are, you can see the hand of God at the end and the beginning of each day.

I see a sunset and I see God putting his crowning touch at both ends of each day, just to let us know He is there if we notice. I saw this sunset and as I took the picture, you could barely see rays coming up as the sun set and it created a "crown". It made me think of all the sunsets and sunrises I have taken notice of and I was full of gratitude for their beauty.

I was grateful to be on a beautiful island where I can enjoy spectacular sunsets that remind me of Him and his love for each of us. No matter where we are, in Logan, UT or Maui, Hawaii separated by miles of water, God made the same sun to set everywhere, that we can be connected and reminded of his love first thing in the morning (if we are up) and at the close of the day, and feel grateful to have another day to improve and look forward to a beautiful beginning the next day.

Thank you God, for the crowning end to each beautiful day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our first visitors!

Cori Pevney and her family had a trip planned to Maui before we got here and told us they were coming. What a treat it was to see a familiar face or two! We had a great drive around the island and generally enjoyed visiting with them. Cori has a wonderful family and is a fun, insightful friend to be with. We had a blast teaching them--even Cori--to boogie board!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kathy's 16th Maui Birthday

Kathy turned the big 16 in Maui. She was not real happy at the prospect of having her birthday without her Utah friends and wanted us to fly her home for her birthday. Sorry, we made other plans. We are going to try and see dolphins and go kayaking and snorkeling!

One of the members of the ward which had been very welcoming to us, inviting us to dinner, showing the kids about surfing etc. suggested the idea of the dolphins to us. He had the skills and equipment. Having a son Kathy's age helped too. We got up early to catch the dolphins, but they were a no-show, but the kayaking was so fun! They just move almost effortlessly through the water.

Then that night, the neighbors who have become wonderful friends, came over and brought "fill-in friends" for the party. (you can now rent a bridesmaid, why not a friend for a party!) It was a blast. They played a very competitive game of cards and had a great time!

Nothing like cake and ice cream to make them all smile!

Sometimes the Lord gives our life new direction, and even though uncomfortable, He will compensate for the loss- if we look to find the ways. What a wonderful day with welcoming friends from the new ward.


Laneah's Maui Birthday

Old friends -We had a party for Laneah a couple of days before we left so she could say goodbye and see her friends one more time. Her Birthday is on April 28, 2 days after we were to leave, so we had a little one and told her we would celebrate

when we got to Maui.

New friends! We had a party when we got here. I did not hear the end of it till we had it, so we planned it just a few days after arriving. Funny things happen when you only bring a suitcase and a few boxes of odds and ends and not had enough time to get everything in your kitchen. (Of course the boxes did not arrive when we did. They were several weeks behind). Making a cake from a box is not my favorite, but having to then make it with a wisk because I had no mixer was new too. Can't make icing either, it was very lumpy and not worth putting on the cake. I bought Betty Crocker pre-made instead. I can see that I needed to appreciate all that I had and I am learning to do more with less-I still have no mixer. I know that is one of the lessons of moving, something comes to mind of being humble...making due with what the Lord gives me... and "less is better"... or something like that. I am trying to get it, but I am slow to learn sometimes and it takes constant repeating. I am reminded every day of things I do not have and I have to tell myself, "It is OK." There are homeless people here too, communities of them and I see some of them with just their grocery cart of belongings, and I feel very blessed to have ALL that I have.

Cupcakes are wonderful and so are new friends!


When we arrived, a family next door came over and introduced themselves. They had 7 kids and homeschooled. (A lot of people do because of the school system over here.) They had kids close to each of my kids ages and were delightful! Robert is 19, Casey-18, Thomas-16,

Abbie-13, David-11, Mark-4 and Levi-3. The boys do everything together and the 3 brothers are great friends with eachother. They have showed Josh and Isaac to board and surf etc. The family is very devoted to God with high moral standards and are a wonderful example with their nightly family devotionals. Here is the delema. They are leaving the Island unless the dad finds a job. He is a pilot and the market is saturated. They came here unexpectedly and have not found much yet job wise in 18 months. They moved out 2 weeks after we got here and the kids were sooo sad! It is lonely without them next door and the little kids catching llizards during the day. We recognize the blessing though, in the fact that if we had not upped our schedule and came when we did, we would not have even met them. They have affected our family already in the short time we have known them. They have been a refreshing, solid and unashamed example of trusting in the Lord and letting others know in whom they place their trust. It has been a working daily example to the kids of how others and we can live for and serve God on a daily basis, not just Sunday. They are staying in an Ohana (an extra attached second part of a house you rent) till they know the other posibilitiy in CO. works out. We are actually praying that something else opens up here instead.

Well, the rest of the story will still evolve, so we will watch and see...but for those who wait on the Lord, He will answer. They already had tickets purchased months ago when they knew their lease was expiring. The tickets were for Monday-yesterday. They are still here, and the Lord is mindful of them and has a plan for them. They were on their early morning walk and the first thing they were doing Monday when they got back was to change the tickets for next week to make sure things were working out, but had waited to see if anything would open up-and prayed. They needed to know what the Lord wanted them to do, not just leave. The airlines called on their walk and asked them if they wanted to give up their seats for another day and they would waive the fees to change them for all 9 tickets. What a blessing! Well, the Lord rewards those who are patient and wait on Him. He has a plan for them and let them know He is aware of them.

We are so glad we got to meet them and all become friends!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and my chair

There is something about knowing that you have a mother watching over and caring for you...somewhere out there. It is a comforting feeling. Even if she is not close, you know she cares about you.

The Name of Mother

The holiest words my tongue can frame,

The noblest thoughts my soul can claim,

Unworthy are to praise the name

More precious than all other.

An infant, when her love first came,
A man, I find it still the same,

Reverently I breathe her name,

The blessed name of mother.

I know someone cares. There must be a Heavenly Mother too.

It was evidenced to us this week.

We are just great with air mattresses, the kids were prepared for that ahead of time. It has been fine, and they are comfortable. What else do you need in Maui but a swimsuit and an air mattress! I had been silently asking for a chair to sit out on the deck and read. I wondered what I would find and what it would be like.

We had our welcome lady come and give us a pineapple and neighborhood newsletter. She was very nice and gave us a few tips on Hawaii. 2 days later she calls and says her friend who is an interior decorator on the island is re-doing a 3 bedroom condo and wants all the furniture moved out by Friday. It is up 3 flights of stairs with no elevator and she will give it away for hauling it out for her. What are 2 strong strapping boys for if not for manual labor!

I told her we would love to help. As I pondered this possible opportunity of furniture, part of me wondered if it would really turn out. How many people had she told. I silently prayed and gave gratitude for the possibility of free furniture. Our neighbor gave her our phone # and I waited. Could this really be true? Less than 2 weeks here and I could have furniture I was not even looking for? I was looking forward to garage sales on Sat. This was Wednesday, but maybe I would not even need to go......."Please, help her to call."
The thought kept coming every time I worried, the Lord is in control, and had brought us to this point with all the right circumstances, he will not fail at this point. I could see his divine signature was already on this. I need to have faith and not worry.

She finally called at 2:00 on Thursday. Garth and I met her that night to see the furniture. I had told her it would be fine, but she insisted. It was just perfect. The mirror the girls wanted was there, a couch, end tables, lamps,

a table with 4 chairs...

and my chair.

Tears came to my eyes thinking of how someone had cared enough to coordinate all this.
What a wonderful Mother's Day! Laneah made my bed, Garth gave me a rice cooker for Maui cooking with a massage (yeah!), and Josh remembered his mother with a thoughtful island pearl necklace of his own choosing, Isaac a "To Do" cupon and the girls made dinner. Then having a reminder that there is a Mother in Heaven made it all perfect.

Thank you Mother, Happy Mother's Day.

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...", and I rejoice that He knows each one of us personally, no matter how it shows up. This week He gave.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Culture shock-NOT, feels like home!

I am looking forward to getting to know the culture and the people, although I am a bit familiar with the culture from having a Polynesian son-in-law, Samson Folau. They are a wonderful, respectful people with a deep love and sense of family. I am sure I will learn much from them and I hope much of the culture rubs off on our family, cuz it just feels comfortable; almost like home with the family!

We already miss Samson’s family. It will be hard not seeing those cute grand kids every day!!! What am I going to do? I see these cute kids around here and I just want to hug them! They remind me of mine. We left Leticia, Matai and Kaeliya back in Logan, UT, but not too long for them. Samson will be home in June from Iraq and they will be moving to Tuscon, AZ., so they will be leaving too. The pictures will have to do for now till they book their flight to Maui. They will be coming over at Christmas, but we hope to see them sooner too!

Leticia, what an irreplaceable daughter you are,

I could not have done it without you.

You are an angel!

Our new home

This is the back yard. I love the many colors and tropical plants in the yard. There are birds that sing early in the morning as they go from tree to tree. I wake up feeling like I am in Paradise, and I am. How blessed am I.

This is the front view. It is unfurnished, but I have already picked my spot on the front deck to read early in the morning when I get a chair.

This is my view from the deck. It is lovely and a nice neighborhood.
Garth picked the perfect spot for us!

Our new address is: 120 Ahekolo Kihei, HI 96753