Sunday, June 19, 2011

Graduation-Isaac Turley

Isaac graduated this year, but it was in a bit of an unconventional way. He had to complete his year early so we could move. He missed all the events and the pomp and ceremony that go with graduation from high school. Isaac really came through tho to get it all done and make the sacrifices he needed to accomplish the task. He is a driven, extreme, funny, intelligent and resourceful guy who, when he sets his mind to something, will get it done, so just get out of the way! For example, he was invaluable when getting us moved out of the house as I was recovering from surgery. Leading me by the hand out of my bed and telling me to lay on the couch so he could bring box after box of books from the shelves and show them to me, one by one, to see which ones to pack and which ones to give away. He wanted to move to Maui REALLY bad. For him, we could not get out of there soon enough. If I were to pick one person (other than Garth) to go on an adventure and all the work that goes into getting ready, high energy fun and discovery, then the aftermath of returning and unpacking, it would be Isaac. Thanks for being there when I needed you and not going early with dad. Thanks for all the fun times, and for the changes and growth you have made as you graduate into a new phase of life full of more changes, adventure and transformation into the man you are to become. I love you!

"If the veil were rolled back and you could just see one glimpse of God's great eternal plan concerning you and who you are, it would not be hard for you to love Him, keep His commandments and live to be worthy of every blessing that He has had for you since before the foundations of the world were laid." ~Elder LeGrand Richards


  1. Wow, it's not easy to finish a school year that early. From your description, I agree - he is the man to have around when a big job needs to get done. Looks like a tribute well deserved. He must have had good parents!

  2. Melanie it was great seeing you in Church today. Love the hair, love the smile, love the family. We miss you in the ward, but know you will also be loved and an awesome family there. Keep up the blog! Lynne
