Monday, June 6, 2011

Unexpected Answer

I have a story I need to record, for this blog is about seeing and being "led by the hand of God" (Omni 1:16) in our journey. If I recognize and record it he will reward us with more experiences that let us know He is there; watching, leading and guiding our lives to bring us to Him. I had been praying and asking about some things, wondering what I would be doing here and wanting to know the purpose of why we are here. I know there are probably many reasons, but I was needing to know in a more personal sense so I would know what to do or how to prepare. The answer came in an unexpected way. Honey.

When we ask a question, it is best not to have a preconceived idea of how the Lord should answer us, just let it go and let it come, however he chooses to answer. Sometimes looking for it only in the way it should be in our mind, we miss the answer because it is different than we expect and we do not recognize or accept it. (I know this from experience.)
I was driving home on May 21st and one block from my house I passed a man dressed in a suit for beekeeping with a swarm of bees close at hand. As I drive by, It comes to me I need to stop, but then almost talk myself out of it. I turn around and stop to talk. I had wanted to find raw honey and honeycomb, but was not sure when or where I would find it. He had them both. Turns out that wild bees like to make hives in the electrical boxes around the island, so they call him to come and get them. He then puts them in hives and colonizes them with others sometimes and puts the hives all over ,then collects the honey and sells it. He has tried to sell the honeycomb, but people don't know what to do with it or the value it holds. He was happy to have a customer. I am amazed the source for honey shows up a block from my house with in the 30 minutes I was driving by on the day he was collecting the bees.

Just to be sure I get the message, another bee shows up. We were staying in a motel time share we had to use. We never got to come to Maui, too expensive to fly in here. So now, here we are and it was available. So we played on another part of the island for a week and got to visit an "Auntie" we have over here, Samson's Auntie Marisha in Lahina. She was fun to hang out with. She books tours so we went para sailing and snorkeling to a great place. We saw 2 turtles and and octopus. Under the water is fascinating and just as beautiful in its own way. Oh, Back to my story...So on the stairs right by our door is this HUGE bee. (it was bigger than a bumble bee) It cannot fly for some reason so I move it to a nearby plant to keep it safe. Yes, I get it. I have a source for raw honey and honeycomb. God has a plan and a purpose.

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