Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's are Not Alone

I can't help but be touched by this song and know there are so many families out there who struggle. But without the struggle, there would not be the growth. We just have to ask the right source for help. It makes my heart soar to know that there are fathers out there who are reaching out to God for help. After listening to his song I saw the one of the story about "Lead Me" and it made tears come to my eyes, knowing that many are finding God in their own way, on their own path with their tailor- made struggles and trials, crafted by the Master Teacher.

We watched this today as a family and everyone loved it. You have to get to the end to get the real message that is there for us all. I am so grateful for a wonderful husband who leads our family in righteousness and truly loves to be with his family. What a wonderful path God set him on to make him the man he is today for our family. It was not without it's struggles, but I praise the trials we have gone through to bring us to the place we are today! I love you Garth. Thank you for being the patient and loving companion you are to me!


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