Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and my chair

There is something about knowing that you have a mother watching over and caring for you...somewhere out there. It is a comforting feeling. Even if she is not close, you know she cares about you.

The Name of Mother

The holiest words my tongue can frame,

The noblest thoughts my soul can claim,

Unworthy are to praise the name

More precious than all other.

An infant, when her love first came,
A man, I find it still the same,

Reverently I breathe her name,

The blessed name of mother.

I know someone cares. There must be a Heavenly Mother too.

It was evidenced to us this week.

We are just great with air mattresses, the kids were prepared for that ahead of time. It has been fine, and they are comfortable. What else do you need in Maui but a swimsuit and an air mattress! I had been silently asking for a chair to sit out on the deck and read. I wondered what I would find and what it would be like.

We had our welcome lady come and give us a pineapple and neighborhood newsletter. She was very nice and gave us a few tips on Hawaii. 2 days later she calls and says her friend who is an interior decorator on the island is re-doing a 3 bedroom condo and wants all the furniture moved out by Friday. It is up 3 flights of stairs with no elevator and she will give it away for hauling it out for her. What are 2 strong strapping boys for if not for manual labor!

I told her we would love to help. As I pondered this possible opportunity of furniture, part of me wondered if it would really turn out. How many people had she told. I silently prayed and gave gratitude for the possibility of free furniture. Our neighbor gave her our phone # and I waited. Could this really be true? Less than 2 weeks here and I could have furniture I was not even looking for? I was looking forward to garage sales on Sat. This was Wednesday, but maybe I would not even need to go......."Please, help her to call."
The thought kept coming every time I worried, the Lord is in control, and had brought us to this point with all the right circumstances, he will not fail at this point. I could see his divine signature was already on this. I need to have faith and not worry.

She finally called at 2:00 on Thursday. Garth and I met her that night to see the furniture. I had told her it would be fine, but she insisted. It was just perfect. The mirror the girls wanted was there, a couch, end tables, lamps,

a table with 4 chairs...

and my chair.

Tears came to my eyes thinking of how someone had cared enough to coordinate all this.
What a wonderful Mother's Day! Laneah made my bed, Garth gave me a rice cooker for Maui cooking with a massage (yeah!), and Josh remembered his mother with a thoughtful island pearl necklace of his own choosing, Isaac a "To Do" cupon and the girls made dinner. Then having a reminder that there is a Mother in Heaven made it all perfect.

Thank you Mother, Happy Mother's Day.

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...", and I rejoice that He knows each one of us personally, no matter how it shows up. This week He gave.


  1. What a wonderful gift, indeed!

  2. Hi Garth and Melonie: I am not sure where to sign up to get your blog but I want you to know that we want to keep up with you guys. The home, furnishings and area look beautiful. We miss you guys also and we will especially be thinking about you all as we meet with David Christiansen this coming Wednesday evening here at our home in Linden. We will let you know how it goes. Love, The Johnsons

  3. What a sweet tender mercy. See, the Lord even cares about whether you had a chair...and blessed you with so much more. That is a wonderful example of how He takes care of our needs but it is often through another person. I am so glad that you have a chair and some other VERY nice furnishings - WOW!

  4. Mel and Garth,
    How wonderful to SEE your blessings. It is a tender mercy, He's good like that...

    What wonderful examples you are to me. I've gone over many conversations we've had, reflecting on the faith and obedience you display. Thank you for all.

    You are missed...thank Heaven for cell phones that work in HAWAII!

  5. Melonie, I saw how willingly you gave up all your furniture in your Logan house. You trusted God will all your heart as you gave your stuff away. I'm not surprised that God had this wonderful gift waiting for your. He lives and takes care of all our needs as we trust in him. It's a miracle.

  6. I tried posting a comment a few times and it didn't work, so I am trying again just to see if it shows up. I just realized that from the name that you see you have no idea who I am! It's Becki - aloha! Reading about your move made me exhaused so I need to go rest now. And you should go sit in that great chair on your porch.
