Sunday, May 1, 2011

The MIRACLE of the move

Laneah and Matai eating on a moving bin-they think it is a party!

The kitchen table is out and gone and the pic-nic table is in, It works!

My kids were fabulous, and friends are lifesavers!
We packed up the house after a huge cash and carry sale and 5 trips to D.I. The Lord sent all the right people to the sale. I thought I would have a lot left to haul away, but only 3 large items of furniture were left, 2 of my dressers and a cabinet and 3 small boxes of just junk. All of the beds, dressers, entertainment centers, couches, bookshelves, desks, etc. It was all gone. I was amazed! People kept coming till 4:00 in the afternoon and wanted the last things we had left. What a blessing! I felt the Lords hand guiding our preparations and helping us to get it all done in a few weeks. What was left we stored along with our food storage in semi truck containers. The one for our food storage was insulated so it would not freeze or get too hot. The real miracle of the entire move was everything made it without any major accidents! With all the large pieces of equipment we moved, we truly had angels traveling with us, both seen and unseen. The seen ones were the ones that drove for us and helped us get it all loaded and packed etc. They were truly angels in helping us get it all moved. Since it is an undetermined amount of time that we will be gone, that was the best solution. We just rolled everything onto a friend’s piece of property till we get back????
I was able to get a renter before I left also. We tried to sell the house, but the economy is just not good.
How blessed we are, it all came together, thank the Lord and all who helped us!
(Isaac doing a handstand on one of the storage containers)

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