Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laneah's Maui Birthday

Old friends -We had a party for Laneah a couple of days before we left so she could say goodbye and see her friends one more time. Her Birthday is on April 28, 2 days after we were to leave, so we had a little one and told her we would celebrate

when we got to Maui.

New friends! We had a party when we got here. I did not hear the end of it till we had it, so we planned it just a few days after arriving. Funny things happen when you only bring a suitcase and a few boxes of odds and ends and not had enough time to get everything in your kitchen. (Of course the boxes did not arrive when we did. They were several weeks behind). Making a cake from a box is not my favorite, but having to then make it with a wisk because I had no mixer was new too. Can't make icing either, it was very lumpy and not worth putting on the cake. I bought Betty Crocker pre-made instead. I can see that I needed to appreciate all that I had and I am learning to do more with less-I still have no mixer. I know that is one of the lessons of moving, something comes to mind of being humble...making due with what the Lord gives me... and "less is better"... or something like that. I am trying to get it, but I am slow to learn sometimes and it takes constant repeating. I am reminded every day of things I do not have and I have to tell myself, "It is OK." There are homeless people here too, communities of them and I see some of them with just their grocery cart of belongings, and I feel very blessed to have ALL that I have.

Cupcakes are wonderful and so are new friends!

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