Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When we arrived, a family next door came over and introduced themselves. They had 7 kids and homeschooled. (A lot of people do because of the school system over here.) They had kids close to each of my kids ages and were delightful! Robert is 19, Casey-18, Thomas-16,

Abbie-13, David-11, Mark-4 and Levi-3. The boys do everything together and the 3 brothers are great friends with eachother. They have showed Josh and Isaac to board and surf etc. The family is very devoted to God with high moral standards and are a wonderful example with their nightly family devotionals. Here is the delema. They are leaving the Island unless the dad finds a job. He is a pilot and the market is saturated. They came here unexpectedly and have not found much yet job wise in 18 months. They moved out 2 weeks after we got here and the kids were sooo sad! It is lonely without them next door and the little kids catching llizards during the day. We recognize the blessing though, in the fact that if we had not upped our schedule and came when we did, we would not have even met them. They have affected our family already in the short time we have known them. They have been a refreshing, solid and unashamed example of trusting in the Lord and letting others know in whom they place their trust. It has been a working daily example to the kids of how others and we can live for and serve God on a daily basis, not just Sunday. They are staying in an Ohana (an extra attached second part of a house you rent) till they know the other posibilitiy in CO. works out. We are actually praying that something else opens up here instead.

Well, the rest of the story will still evolve, so we will watch and see...but for those who wait on the Lord, He will answer. They already had tickets purchased months ago when they knew their lease was expiring. The tickets were for Monday-yesterday. They are still here, and the Lord is mindful of them and has a plan for them. They were on their early morning walk and the first thing they were doing Monday when they got back was to change the tickets for next week to make sure things were working out, but had waited to see if anything would open up-and prayed. They needed to know what the Lord wanted them to do, not just leave. The airlines called on their walk and asked them if they wanted to give up their seats for another day and they would waive the fees to change them for all 9 tickets. What a blessing! Well, the Lord rewards those who are patient and wait on Him. He has a plan for them and let them know He is aware of them.

We are so glad we got to meet them and all become friends!

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