Saturday, September 24, 2011

My first Maui Sunrise

I saw my first Maui sunrise!
Amazing to see the first new glimpses of a new day.
It was from the top of Haleakala, a 10,026 foot volcano.  I was surprised to feel how cold it was!
I brought several layers because we heard it was cold, but did not know if I would actually use them.  After all, I am from Utah and I know what cold REALLY is.  I used them all.  I think that being here for 5 months has made me "soft" as far as being able to withstand the cold temperatures.  Guess I am not in any hurry to return to them.
I thank God every day I am here and for the beautiful and new things I see each day.

"I believe in God like I believe in the sunrise, not because I can see it, but because I can see all that it touches."  ~C.S. Lewis
(thanks Yvonne!)

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