Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reasons I love Hawaii-And a few Other Observations

I started a  list months ago when I first arrived of the things I loved about Maui.
I had to add a few funny observations that make me smile.
It is getting long, so I will put them here and continue adding....

The water is always warm, but refreshing-NOT cold
No one cares what you look like
Casual is fantastic and acceptable everywhere!
If it happens, it happens.  If not, no worries!
People always say "hello" or "aloha" to you.
No one is in a hurry
45 mph is the "normal" speed
People do not honk at you-ever.
Exotic fruits are a staple-Yummy!
Flowers are everywhere
The fragrant smell when I walk in the morning
I am never cold
My skin is soft
My lips are not chappy
The beach is a 10 min. walk
There are no "ice sculptures" or fancy handouts in RS.
A table cloth is extra special
Centerpieces are not required
In every home, making rice is on the daily "To Do" list
My hair is REALLY curly!
swimming suits are worn everywhere-except church.
I am starting to feel calm and "be still."
I have been here for over 3 months and every day is....
        "another beautiful day on Maui!"

"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; 
   Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."

Thank you God for bringing me here!

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