Thursday, July 21, 2011

Twin Falls and commercials

Our resident tour guide, which we have constant access to because he lives with us...Isaac... took us to Twin Fall,s which he had been to with friends.  The anticipation of jumping off a waterfall in Maui was satisfied!  It was a beautiful hike as well.  A jungle to say the least and many varieties of tropical flowers and plants to enjoy.  It looked similar to the Tarzan movie - huge trees, swinging vines, and all.  

(Rachel and Joshua)

But when your children want to start imitating shampoo commercials of bathing under a waterfall with exaggerated looks of pleasure on their faces, you have to ask yourself..."What are the benefits of watching commercials these days?"   Actually, it was pretty funny!!!

(Joshua and Isaac)
Look at the two monkeys in the roots of this huge tree!!

(Laneah, Joshua. Kathy and Garth jumping.)

It was a great family outing, enjoying the beauty of Maui.  One thing that was made very clear today though was that Garth and I are not "young and irresponsible" any more.  Garth would not jump off a 25+ ft. waterfall. It took him at least an hour and several unsuccessful attempts before jumping, and going with Kathy off the lower one to get up his nerve, not wanting to be showed up by girls!  (To be fair, the higher one was slippery, strewn with roots up to the edge of the jump spot.)  It was our own conclusion we came to after realizing he used to jump off 50 ft. ones in AZ when he was "young".  The irresponsible thing is still up for debate...  What a wonderful, fun day!

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