Friday, April 6, 2012

Leticia-My First Baby! (Dec. 2, 2012)

It's Leticia's Birthday!  Dec. 2, 2012  and she is in Hawaii with us!  Leticia is my first baby, and Ohhh, what special memories those are!  The first time you feel life moving within your belly is like nothing you can describe.  It is the miracle of creation!

(Elder Hatch, Abyssinia, Anthony) 
We threw a party and invited some wonderful, musically talented friends from the island and the missionaries even came!
Anthony plays the Didgery-Doo and the nose flute. He can play the brass bowls at the same time! Abyssinia plays the harp, flute and drums. 
Both are very well known on the island.  Reggie came with his guitar too.

There are wonderful memories with family, friends and all who join us
on special occasions like this. 
She now has 3 babies of her own, but this photo is of Leticia with her first baby.  Children are such a joy.  Leticia has always been a deep thinker.  She knew her alphabet, #s, colors and was potty trained when she went to nursery!  Well, I soon found out that was not normal when the next 2 boys came along.  Potty training was another story! 

(Kathleen, Aimee, Anthony, Josh, Kaeliya, Leticia, Melonie)
 But she has never been "normal" and was too smart for me to keep up with. Her search for Truth and her wisdom is a joy to me as a mother.                     Happy Birthday to you, my first one! 

 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk

in truth". 3 John 1:4

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