Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Cycle of a Seed

We have been learning and asking for God to bring us to where we need to be to stand worthy in His presence.      The old self must die and pass away before a new creature can be re-born.
 When a seed is put in the ground and buried and “dies” it then can be transformed and bring forth much fruit. We die in Christ and are “re-born” as a new creature, we carry a resemblance, but have been changed to much more than just a “kernel” (corn) of wheat.  The old self has shed its covering of skin as it has been buried in the earth, that the fleshy parts of the natural man be cast off to die, only to break forth and spring into new life!  We have then borne fruit and become new through Christ.  This is the message of Easter.
John 12:24
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone:  but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."
Laneah (7) has been learning about the life cycle of a seed and how it changes into a new plant.

As a seed changes into new life, it then can produce a whole tree or a whole bush of beans or stalk of wheat.   He is  Lord of the vineyard and will prune us till we have grown into the fruit producing tree He needs us to be.   His ways are not our ways, Trust in Him.
1 Corinthians 15:36    Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:”

The old dead wood must needs be cut away to make room for new growth in areas we did not imagine.  He is the Master Gardener and will do the pruning as he sees fit, for our best and highest good.

 We went on a hike to Olinda Forest on Good Friday.  In hopes of learning something I prayed to be taught today as we were out in nature.  I had written some of the scriptures and ponderings  for a lesson on Easter (above) I wanted to give to the family,  and then on the hike I saw this.  It was the message in a visual I was wanting to teach to my children for Easter.
New llife springing from the old after a prunning.
God is good and Mercyful.

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