Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday, April 8th

I have been waiting for Easter to be on April 8. 
 This is a special Easter Passover.

I was out doing some pruning of some way overgrown hibiscus flowers, which were now trees.  The buds on everything were coming out and putting forth new growth.  I love Spring!  I came to a hibiscus and was just about to cut off a branch, when a tiny beautiful green bird fluttered and started making a loud and much frenzied chirping noise.  I thought "I must have frightened her", but then it was so frenzied and she did not stop that I then began to realize she must have a nest close by.  I tried to calm her and then realized as I went to cut the limb again that her nest was hanging just under the branch I was about to cut.  3 small eggs were inside and I had almost destroyed the limb that was holding the nest!

I gave a lesson today to my children about Easter and wanted them to associate true symbolism about Easter.  I wanted to teach them about symbolism in nature as it applies to the Resurrection and the Passover.  About rising in 3 days, coming forth out of darkness from the tomb,
God had given me a perfect, beautiful visual for the lesson.

This is the meaning of Easter.  The shell is shed as the chick breaks forth into a new life out of darkness.  It is a difficult task, but helping the chick can put the chick in danger of not being strong enough to survive. The bulb that was buried in the fall comes up as the first sign of Spring,  with the warmth of the sun bringing new life as it pushes up out of the earth when the ground is warm and springs forth into beauty.  God is alive!

 I can feel a warm change in me, just as  the sun warms the earth for new growth after the Winter.  I want to bury my old self;  my seeds of self-destruction, and shed the cold hard outer covering to die,  and become a new creature, to come forth with new life, “re-born” through Christ.
It is also my dads 70th birthday today.   HAPPY BIRTHDAY dad!  Change is happening for all of those who desire change.  Endure the test, hope you start feeling better dad.
Change is coming, Spring is near.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever."


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