Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Passover and Seder

We went to a presentation of Seder at a local Christian church on Easter Sunday. 
 I wanted to give my children a perspective of what Easter means through the eyes of Jewish tradition and better understand Christ.

It was given by Henry and Darlene Matarrita who are originally both from Maui, Hawaii.  They  started a World Mission Outreach (www.wmoutreach.org) and shared a vision: "Our one purpose in life is to help  people find a personal relationship with God, which comes only through knowing Jesus the Messiah."   
They teach the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and have a ministry to reach out to the lost, both Jews and Gentiles. 
Since 2004 they have lived in Jerusalem, Israel and lead teams to minister throughout the world, bringing the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."  (Romans 1:16)

The photo has deep symbolic meaning:  The red wine (grapejuice), herbs, bitter and sweet, and the Bread-unleavened, (without sin), stripped rows (whipped) and holes (pierced).  From dipping the parsley in salt water to folding the napkin, it all has special symbolic meaning.

It was an inspiring night of learning.  What a wonderful way to honor Christ on His Birthday.

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