Saturday, April 14, 2012

Life Can Change in a Minute-My DAD

Wow, where to begin.  It has been a whirlwind of a week.  We found out Easter weekend my dad has pancreatic cancer.  He had been on a liver cleanse and thought that was the culprit for his discomfort and went in finally after several weeks to get a stool sample.  The Dr. then found the cancer on a ultrasound and he was then admitted to the hospital.    I had just seen him 3 weeks before when he was sick but still drove to see me in AZ when I was there for Leticia's baby.  This was a complete shock!

 After an MRI was given, the cancer was then found to be in several other organs, liver, gallbladder, prostate, and the mass was now growing into his small intestine area and there is a blockage there too.  I realized time was not in his favor and if I wanted to have some good time with him I had to go now.  I left on Wed. and arrived Thurs. morning.  I was so glad to see him!  It was a surprise to him I was coming!

We are trying to be patient with him being in the hospital and all the tests.  I know they have to be done to assess the situation and get the diagnosis, but being on clear liquids for all the tests when you have already lost 20 lbs is not helpful and continues to make him weaker.  But now we understand why he has been so nauseated and unable to eat.  His bile duct was blocked and they put in a shunt in to help it drain.  This was the only procedure they were willing to do.          
Mariah, Allie and Jared visiting with grandpa before I got there.  Happy news amongst the sad, Allie and Jared are engaged!!! 

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