Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gifts Amongst Trials

My dad has 4 stage cancer and the Doctors have all released him.  The oncologist will not operate on the obstruction that is in his small intestine.  It is too far progressed and in-operable.  We are grateful for the care and knowledge of the Doctors, but after a week of being in the hospital mostly fluids, we are now happy to be leaving.   He is going home with hospice and to be with his family around him.

I realize now that there are many gifts of understanding occurring in the midst of trials.  They have helped me to see that the hand of the Lord is involved, and that alone has helped me to accept and not try to change the outcome.

I so wanted a miracle if it was Gods will, but now I see it is not.  Thank you God for giving me understanding and helping me to know where to put my efforts.  I can focus on helping him to have quality of life with all of his family for whatever time the Lord will allow and enjoy each moment, for now each moment is a gift.
  • "This is your tutorial."
  • No darkness just "bright light".  
  • Intercessory prayer, symbol: ping pong ball   
  • "You are needed on the other side."  
  • Dreams and visions: Mission, short time
  • Pinedale, AZ and caskets 
  • Buddy passes!

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