Saturday, March 3, 2012

Folau's in Paradise

 The Folau's are here!  They came early for Christmas!

We were so excited to see them!  We must be in heaven, because this feels great to have family here....well, it is Paradise.  Close enough!  Heaven and earth combine here.

We are at Twin Falls.  Matai, Kaeliya, Laneah and Kathy

Jumping off waterfalls!  Garth: "Here I come!"

The next little one is coming soon!

How much fun can you have in one day on the beach?
The boys look like they are digging in to stay a while.

Shoes, sand, family and the ocean......what more do you need?

We have had such a good time visiting, eating island fruit, swimming, and more sun than I am sure you are allowed.  (above: Anthony, the guy who plays the diggery-doo all over the island)
Wish it could last longer!


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