Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our first visitors!

Cori Pevney and her family had a trip planned to Maui before we got here and told us they were coming. What a treat it was to see a familiar face or two! We had a great drive around the island and generally enjoyed visiting with them. Cori has a wonderful family and is a fun, insightful friend to be with. We had a blast teaching them--even Cori--to boogie board!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kathy's 16th Maui Birthday

Kathy turned the big 16 in Maui. She was not real happy at the prospect of having her birthday without her Utah friends and wanted us to fly her home for her birthday. Sorry, we made other plans. We are going to try and see dolphins and go kayaking and snorkeling!

One of the members of the ward which had been very welcoming to us, inviting us to dinner, showing the kids about surfing etc. suggested the idea of the dolphins to us. He had the skills and equipment. Having a son Kathy's age helped too. We got up early to catch the dolphins, but they were a no-show, but the kayaking was so fun! They just move almost effortlessly through the water.

Then that night, the neighbors who have become wonderful friends, came over and brought "fill-in friends" for the party. (you can now rent a bridesmaid, why not a friend for a party!) It was a blast. They played a very competitive game of cards and had a great time!

Nothing like cake and ice cream to make them all smile!

Sometimes the Lord gives our life new direction, and even though uncomfortable, He will compensate for the loss- if we look to find the ways. What a wonderful day with welcoming friends from the new ward.


Laneah's Maui Birthday

Old friends -We had a party for Laneah a couple of days before we left so she could say goodbye and see her friends one more time. Her Birthday is on April 28, 2 days after we were to leave, so we had a little one and told her we would celebrate

when we got to Maui.

New friends! We had a party when we got here. I did not hear the end of it till we had it, so we planned it just a few days after arriving. Funny things happen when you only bring a suitcase and a few boxes of odds and ends and not had enough time to get everything in your kitchen. (Of course the boxes did not arrive when we did. They were several weeks behind). Making a cake from a box is not my favorite, but having to then make it with a wisk because I had no mixer was new too. Can't make icing either, it was very lumpy and not worth putting on the cake. I bought Betty Crocker pre-made instead. I can see that I needed to appreciate all that I had and I am learning to do more with less-I still have no mixer. I know that is one of the lessons of moving, something comes to mind of being humble...making due with what the Lord gives me... and "less is better"... or something like that. I am trying to get it, but I am slow to learn sometimes and it takes constant repeating. I am reminded every day of things I do not have and I have to tell myself, "It is OK." There are homeless people here too, communities of them and I see some of them with just their grocery cart of belongings, and I feel very blessed to have ALL that I have.

Cupcakes are wonderful and so are new friends!


When we arrived, a family next door came over and introduced themselves. They had 7 kids and homeschooled. (A lot of people do because of the school system over here.) They had kids close to each of my kids ages and were delightful! Robert is 19, Casey-18, Thomas-16,

Abbie-13, David-11, Mark-4 and Levi-3. The boys do everything together and the 3 brothers are great friends with eachother. They have showed Josh and Isaac to board and surf etc. The family is very devoted to God with high moral standards and are a wonderful example with their nightly family devotionals. Here is the delema. They are leaving the Island unless the dad finds a job. He is a pilot and the market is saturated. They came here unexpectedly and have not found much yet job wise in 18 months. They moved out 2 weeks after we got here and the kids were sooo sad! It is lonely without them next door and the little kids catching llizards during the day. We recognize the blessing though, in the fact that if we had not upped our schedule and came when we did, we would not have even met them. They have affected our family already in the short time we have known them. They have been a refreshing, solid and unashamed example of trusting in the Lord and letting others know in whom they place their trust. It has been a working daily example to the kids of how others and we can live for and serve God on a daily basis, not just Sunday. They are staying in an Ohana (an extra attached second part of a house you rent) till they know the other posibilitiy in CO. works out. We are actually praying that something else opens up here instead.

Well, the rest of the story will still evolve, so we will watch and see...but for those who wait on the Lord, He will answer. They already had tickets purchased months ago when they knew their lease was expiring. The tickets were for Monday-yesterday. They are still here, and the Lord is mindful of them and has a plan for them. They were on their early morning walk and the first thing they were doing Monday when they got back was to change the tickets for next week to make sure things were working out, but had waited to see if anything would open up-and prayed. They needed to know what the Lord wanted them to do, not just leave. The airlines called on their walk and asked them if they wanted to give up their seats for another day and they would waive the fees to change them for all 9 tickets. What a blessing! Well, the Lord rewards those who are patient and wait on Him. He has a plan for them and let them know He is aware of them.

We are so glad we got to meet them and all become friends!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and my chair

There is something about knowing that you have a mother watching over and caring for you...somewhere out there. It is a comforting feeling. Even if she is not close, you know she cares about you.

The Name of Mother

The holiest words my tongue can frame,

The noblest thoughts my soul can claim,

Unworthy are to praise the name

More precious than all other.

An infant, when her love first came,
A man, I find it still the same,

Reverently I breathe her name,

The blessed name of mother.

I know someone cares. There must be a Heavenly Mother too.

It was evidenced to us this week.

We are just great with air mattresses, the kids were prepared for that ahead of time. It has been fine, and they are comfortable. What else do you need in Maui but a swimsuit and an air mattress! I had been silently asking for a chair to sit out on the deck and read. I wondered what I would find and what it would be like.

We had our welcome lady come and give us a pineapple and neighborhood newsletter. She was very nice and gave us a few tips on Hawaii. 2 days later she calls and says her friend who is an interior decorator on the island is re-doing a 3 bedroom condo and wants all the furniture moved out by Friday. It is up 3 flights of stairs with no elevator and she will give it away for hauling it out for her. What are 2 strong strapping boys for if not for manual labor!

I told her we would love to help. As I pondered this possible opportunity of furniture, part of me wondered if it would really turn out. How many people had she told. I silently prayed and gave gratitude for the possibility of free furniture. Our neighbor gave her our phone # and I waited. Could this really be true? Less than 2 weeks here and I could have furniture I was not even looking for? I was looking forward to garage sales on Sat. This was Wednesday, but maybe I would not even need to go......."Please, help her to call."
The thought kept coming every time I worried, the Lord is in control, and had brought us to this point with all the right circumstances, he will not fail at this point. I could see his divine signature was already on this. I need to have faith and not worry.

She finally called at 2:00 on Thursday. Garth and I met her that night to see the furniture. I had told her it would be fine, but she insisted. It was just perfect. The mirror the girls wanted was there, a couch, end tables, lamps,

a table with 4 chairs...

and my chair.

Tears came to my eyes thinking of how someone had cared enough to coordinate all this.
What a wonderful Mother's Day! Laneah made my bed, Garth gave me a rice cooker for Maui cooking with a massage (yeah!), and Josh remembered his mother with a thoughtful island pearl necklace of his own choosing, Isaac a "To Do" cupon and the girls made dinner. Then having a reminder that there is a Mother in Heaven made it all perfect.

Thank you Mother, Happy Mother's Day.

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...", and I rejoice that He knows each one of us personally, no matter how it shows up. This week He gave.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Culture shock-NOT, feels like home!

I am looking forward to getting to know the culture and the people, although I am a bit familiar with the culture from having a Polynesian son-in-law, Samson Folau. They are a wonderful, respectful people with a deep love and sense of family. I am sure I will learn much from them and I hope much of the culture rubs off on our family, cuz it just feels comfortable; almost like home with the family!

We already miss Samson’s family. It will be hard not seeing those cute grand kids every day!!! What am I going to do? I see these cute kids around here and I just want to hug them! They remind me of mine. We left Leticia, Matai and Kaeliya back in Logan, UT, but not too long for them. Samson will be home in June from Iraq and they will be moving to Tuscon, AZ., so they will be leaving too. The pictures will have to do for now till they book their flight to Maui. They will be coming over at Christmas, but we hope to see them sooner too!

Leticia, what an irreplaceable daughter you are,

I could not have done it without you.

You are an angel!

Our new home

This is the back yard. I love the many colors and tropical plants in the yard. There are birds that sing early in the morning as they go from tree to tree. I wake up feeling like I am in Paradise, and I am. How blessed am I.

This is the front view. It is unfurnished, but I have already picked my spot on the front deck to read early in the morning when I get a chair.

This is my view from the deck. It is lovely and a nice neighborhood.
Garth picked the perfect spot for us!

Our new address is: 120 Ahekolo Kihei, HI 96753

Day at the Beach

Kathy and Rachel watching the waves crash at "Big Beach".

WOW! It is beautiful here!! What can I say...the sky is clear,

the water is sooo blue and the air is clean.

The kids LOVE the beach! It took Laneah a few days to get used to the sand and saltwater,
but she loves it now. She already has a tan and matches some of the islanders color--she fits right in! (Josh and Laneah)

This is a picture taken right before Josh and Garth were taken over and pounded into the sand. Not a beach for inexperienced surfers--the waves are HUGE!
(Rachel in front)

The MIRACLE of the move

Laneah and Matai eating on a moving bin-they think it is a party!

The kitchen table is out and gone and the pic-nic table is in, It works!

My kids were fabulous, and friends are lifesavers!
We packed up the house after a huge cash and carry sale and 5 trips to D.I. The Lord sent all the right people to the sale. I thought I would have a lot left to haul away, but only 3 large items of furniture were left, 2 of my dressers and a cabinet and 3 small boxes of just junk. All of the beds, dressers, entertainment centers, couches, bookshelves, desks, etc. It was all gone. I was amazed! People kept coming till 4:00 in the afternoon and wanted the last things we had left. What a blessing! I felt the Lords hand guiding our preparations and helping us to get it all done in a few weeks. What was left we stored along with our food storage in semi truck containers. The one for our food storage was insulated so it would not freeze or get too hot. The real miracle of the entire move was everything made it without any major accidents! With all the large pieces of equipment we moved, we truly had angels traveling with us, both seen and unseen. The seen ones were the ones that drove for us and helped us get it all loaded and packed etc. They were truly angels in helping us get it all moved. Since it is an undetermined amount of time that we will be gone, that was the best solution. We just rolled everything onto a friend’s piece of property till we get back????
I was able to get a renter before I left also. We tried to sell the house, but the economy is just not good.
How blessed we are, it all came together, thank the Lord and all who helped us!
(Isaac doing a handstand on one of the storage containers)

Overloaded at Airport

19 suitcases and 6 people then arrived in Hawaii-- amid a stares and questions.

Mom is just relieved that everyone made the flights, no one got lost, and Josh made it to CA and made his flight too! What a wonderful feeling to know that everyone made it to the same island! The sun is shinning and the air is warm.

All I can say is “Thank you God for getting us all here and letting us spend some time in a beautiful land.” I don’t know what we did to get the privilege of actually living on Maui and having a job too, but I am grateful to be here!!! I am overwhelmed and feel a bit guilty for being here, but this is where we need to be, and we are here together. That is the most important part. We really made it!