Thursday, May 24, 2012

UPDATE then Catch-up

Maui, Hawaii

We have been here just over a year now on Maui. Our time here is coming to a close.  So a quick update, but I will write a post about leaving, for it deserves it's own telling.  We are moving to Show Low, Arizona.  It is time to go now and with the changes in extended family too, we can see the wisdom in it all.  
Garth got a job there and is excited for the new opportunity, and we are excited for the new adventure.  Garth started his new job on May 21st.  Isaac and Kathy left and came for the funeral and stayed.  Isaac is now out on his own with 2 jobs in Logan for the summer and is earning money for his mission.  Kathy  left  to take some testing back in Utah and is now with Leticia in Az.  We (Rachel, Laneah and I) are still here finishing up school and will be on the mainland by June 1st.  Mariah came to help me move and is keeping her options open.  She is now a licensed Massage Therapist and might stay for a while.  Joshua moved out a few months ago and is staying on Maui.

We have loved our time here, so I will not forget the experiences we have shared as a family and individually.  They will be recorded in a post.

Time goes by so quickly and if you drag your feet at all, you get behind.  There are many things we have experienced and learned from being here.  Hopefully we have grown in good ways through the experiences, for it is not just the destination, but the journey of life that is important also.   It molds and shapes us into who we are.   I am behind in some of the posts I have intended to write up,  and so the next few posts will be to catch-up on some of the past few months.  I need to finish the blog of Maui.  I can hardly believe we are half way through 2012 already!!!
For record keeping purposes, I will put the date in the posting or the title, so do not be confused!

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