Thursday, May 17, 2012

Symbolism and Numbers

Melonie with dad in hospital
There is much to be said for details, and the Lord can be found in the details of our life, or put another way, we can see His Divine Signature if we are looking.  I was looking, because I needed to know for myself that this was not a mistake in timing or an unfortunate turn of events, but a Divine Signature, that it was now time for dad to depart.  I was looking for details.  Dad was diagnosed on Friday, April 6, 2012.  It was Easter weekend.  I came immediately from Maui, Hawaii to be with him.

Jared Turley reading the scriptures with Grandpa
In the scriptures, there are patterns we can notice and measure things by to compare with things happening now or in our own life.  All things point to Christ.  Numbers have a symbolic meaning in the scriptures.  For example,  #3 means Divinity.  3 in the Godhead, Christ started his mission at 30, He died when He was 33, He died on the 9th hour, (3X3=9) He was in the tomb 3 can see the pattern.

The Seal of Melchizedek, Timing is everything
Each # can be given a symbolic meaning when studied through the eyes and patterns in scripture.  #8 is rebirth or reborn.  # 7 is spiritual perfection or a complete cycle.  Lepers were told to wash 7 times and then were pronounced clean, 7 days of the week, a complete cycle, 7 Jewish Holy Days observed by the Jews and Christ.  Again, a pattern.  Nature is very symbolic and points to Christ.  Lambs have special meaning in scripture.  I remember well a talk given in Conference telling the meaning of the Lamb.  Timing is everything.

Hands together in love on lamb skin rug dad had just purchased a couple of months earlier.
 Dad turned 70 on Easter Sunday.   He  received a blessing on each Sunday.  His passing was 21 days from when he was diagnosed. (3X7=21) He died on April 27 at 2:07 AM.  The Lamb skin by the side of dads bed he knelt to pray on, even in his last days.  The lamb skin on his bed we all took a picture of with us  connected to dad by "hands".  The timing was perfect.  It was dads time to go.  The story was in the details.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing all of the beautiful symbolism. We will miss your dad, but I guess he has other assignments calling to him.

    Makes me want to pay attention to all of the details. Heaven speaks in symbols. Those who aren't paying attention miss the most important lessons.
