Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Dads Passing

Dad letting mom shave??  Companions through it all!
 My mom was a picture of bittersweet joy as she cared for her eternal companion.

Mom, dad and Josh Turley
  My dad was able to experience humility in letting those around him serve him as he no longer had strength or ability to.

Melonie, Marie, dad, Marium, Malinda and Mechel
 Everyone came together to support and love each other.  Dad had so much fun seeing his 5 girls all together again and having fun, laughing and crying.....just as we did when we were young!  Those were special times.

Mom, dad and Mariah Turley
 Family and friends all wanted to come and visit with their dad, grandpa and friend, but the days were closing in fast.  We all enjoyed the time with him and shared memories.

The Curtis girls with Kathy
 Friendships were renewed...cousins are the BEST!!!

Isaac at burial as a Pall Bearer
 It is in times and experiences where we are able to reflect on our own life and see just how precious time really is and to make each day count.   To be prepared and have no regrets, for life can change in a moment and unexpected turns in life can leave an impression on those whom we have associated with for either bad or good, regretable or unforgetable.

Samuel F. Curtis Jr.
Dad, you left a life and a legacy that was unforgetable for all the reasons that make you who you are. You came into the world with a grand sense of purpose and unique style, and we made sure you went out the same way!   We will love and miss the service you gave to all who are left behind, and the vast knowledge you did not leave behind for us all, but we will keep on searching for the true knowledge that binds us all.....Our Faith in Jesus Christ and the continued desire of seeking His companionship and knowing Him.      I love you dad.

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