Friday, May 18, 2012

MOTHER'S DAY (A Tribute) The Master of My Soul

For dad, written on Mother's Day to mom.

              Master of My Soul      by Melonie Turley
Lofty, high branches, reaching for the sun,
Growing beyond it’s bounds.
Wanting ever to achieve new heights,
Crowding out those beneath.
Seeking for recognition, praise from those smaller.
Rescue me from self-destruction!
Him who prunes  unfruitful branches,
Cut down the stubborn, unbending will.
Cast out the roots of sinful ways,
Leave only humble traces of once what  was.
Master of my Soul,
Keeper of my heart,
Nurturer in famine,
The Lightness in the dark!
Lead me, Let me drink from fountains pure.
Content to be among the last, not highest,
Unburdened from pride and sin.
Now laden with fruitful branches,
My spirit soars, baskets  o’er-flowing! 
Protect against the withering wind,
Grant me grace to live again! 
Thy hand outstretched, “Come unto me.”
Nurture me, Master of the vineyard,
Bring the wandering soul again to Thee.

NOTE:  This was a picture I took Easter weekend as our family took a hike up the mountain.  I saw the stump and also the new growth that was now springing forth from the "pruning" of the old tree.  My dad and I had been studying Jacob 5 and the parable of the Vineyard and the Master Gardener.   I had sent him the original picture I took of the tree with a letter for his birthday on Easter.  He loved it!  This is for you dad.   I gave the story/poem to my mom for Mother's Day.   D&C 88:15 gives the definition for Soul as the spirit and body combined.  Christ is the Master of my soul, He brings harmony to my body, mind and spirit.   I will always remember the lessons you taught me and to be a seeker of truth.  Gratitude for the angels who assisted me with writing, for the picture of Christ "Come to Me" by David Lindsley and David for making the 2 pictures  into 1.

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