Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Oldest Child and 5 generations

"Fred" Curtis (Samuel Frederick Curtis Sr.)
Grandpa is still around.  He will be 94 years old on June 22.  He has watched all of his brothers and sisters pass, he is the last surviving one.   He is an example to us all of life and love.  We have learned so much from him.  He cared for grandma for years with Alzhimers and blindness from macular degeneration.   He lives his life in service and kindness and even got married to Alta just a few years ago to show he is still "young" enough for new love! 

Sam, Fred, Mark, Gayle, Carol and Claudia
Sam was the oldest of 6 children.  It was a great time sharing memories between them all and getting together again. Notice all of the men still have a full head of hair.  That was a unique and rare thing among older, graying men.  We all loved grandpa's and dad's hair!  I think there are some locks of it around......  

5 generations!!!
  From Sam down, we are all the "oldest" of each generation.  Sam is the oldest.  Melonie is the oldest of Sam's 9 children and the first grandchild of Fred.  Leticias is the oldest  of Melonie's 8 children.  Matai is the oldest of Leticia's children.   Being the oldest has it's advantages and disadvantages.  I remember every rule and had a lot of R&D (research and development) done on me.  I admit, there was no rule book for me as a parent, and I did plenty of that myself...still am.  Sorry about that kids.  Make sure you order the rule book when you get those kids!  Now that I am raising my last child, I have seen how I have changed my ways and mellowed, from less rules to more love and affection.   Things are thought about more than reacted to.  It is more about the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.  (still under R&D, I'll set you know how that works out.)

Matai, Leticia and Kaeliya, Melone and Tiana Folau and grandpa.

                   Tiana Folau is the newest and last great grandchild Sam was able to hold and meet.

Father and Son
I am sure at the age of 93, grandpa was not planning on out-living 2 of his own sons, Craig almost 2 years ago and now Sam, his oldest child.  Life is unpredictable and God has his purposes and a grand plan.  I hope grandpa never has to watch any more of his children suffer with cancer or attend their funeral.  Many generations have gone on from them to live faithful lives from their examples.

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