Thursday, May 24, 2012

UPDATE then Catch-up

Maui, Hawaii

We have been here just over a year now on Maui. Our time here is coming to a close.  So a quick update, but I will write a post about leaving, for it deserves it's own telling.  We are moving to Show Low, Arizona.  It is time to go now and with the changes in extended family too, we can see the wisdom in it all.  
Garth got a job there and is excited for the new opportunity, and we are excited for the new adventure.  Garth started his new job on May 21st.  Isaac and Kathy left and came for the funeral and stayed.  Isaac is now out on his own with 2 jobs in Logan for the summer and is earning money for his mission.  Kathy  left  to take some testing back in Utah and is now with Leticia in Az.  We (Rachel, Laneah and I) are still here finishing up school and will be on the mainland by June 1st.  Mariah came to help me move and is keeping her options open.  She is now a licensed Massage Therapist and might stay for a while.  Joshua moved out a few months ago and is staying on Maui.

We have loved our time here, so I will not forget the experiences we have shared as a family and individually.  They will be recorded in a post.

Time goes by so quickly and if you drag your feet at all, you get behind.  There are many things we have experienced and learned from being here.  Hopefully we have grown in good ways through the experiences, for it is not just the destination, but the journey of life that is important also.   It molds and shapes us into who we are.   I am behind in some of the posts I have intended to write up,  and so the next few posts will be to catch-up on some of the past few months.  I need to finish the blog of Maui.  I can hardly believe we are half way through 2012 already!!!
For record keeping purposes, I will put the date in the posting or the title, so do not be confused!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Oldest Child and 5 generations

"Fred" Curtis (Samuel Frederick Curtis Sr.)
Grandpa is still around.  He will be 94 years old on June 22.  He has watched all of his brothers and sisters pass, he is the last surviving one.   He is an example to us all of life and love.  We have learned so much from him.  He cared for grandma for years with Alzhimers and blindness from macular degeneration.   He lives his life in service and kindness and even got married to Alta just a few years ago to show he is still "young" enough for new love! 

Sam, Fred, Mark, Gayle, Carol and Claudia
Sam was the oldest of 6 children.  It was a great time sharing memories between them all and getting together again. Notice all of the men still have a full head of hair.  That was a unique and rare thing among older, graying men.  We all loved grandpa's and dad's hair!  I think there are some locks of it around......  

5 generations!!!
  From Sam down, we are all the "oldest" of each generation.  Sam is the oldest.  Melonie is the oldest of Sam's 9 children and the first grandchild of Fred.  Leticias is the oldest  of Melonie's 8 children.  Matai is the oldest of Leticia's children.   Being the oldest has it's advantages and disadvantages.  I remember every rule and had a lot of R&D (research and development) done on me.  I admit, there was no rule book for me as a parent, and I did plenty of that myself...still am.  Sorry about that kids.  Make sure you order the rule book when you get those kids!  Now that I am raising my last child, I have seen how I have changed my ways and mellowed, from less rules to more love and affection.   Things are thought about more than reacted to.  It is more about the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.  (still under R&D, I'll set you know how that works out.)

Matai, Leticia and Kaeliya, Melone and Tiana Folau and grandpa.

                   Tiana Folau is the newest and last great grandchild Sam was able to hold and meet.

Father and Son
I am sure at the age of 93, grandpa was not planning on out-living 2 of his own sons, Craig almost 2 years ago and now Sam, his oldest child.  Life is unpredictable and God has his purposes and a grand plan.  I hope grandpa never has to watch any more of his children suffer with cancer or attend their funeral.  Many generations have gone on from them to live faithful lives from their examples.

Friday, May 18, 2012

MOTHER'S DAY (A Tribute) The Master of My Soul

For dad, written on Mother's Day to mom.

              Master of My Soul      by Melonie Turley
Lofty, high branches, reaching for the sun,
Growing beyond it’s bounds.
Wanting ever to achieve new heights,
Crowding out those beneath.
Seeking for recognition, praise from those smaller.
Rescue me from self-destruction!
Him who prunes  unfruitful branches,
Cut down the stubborn, unbending will.
Cast out the roots of sinful ways,
Leave only humble traces of once what  was.
Master of my Soul,
Keeper of my heart,
Nurturer in famine,
The Lightness in the dark!
Lead me, Let me drink from fountains pure.
Content to be among the last, not highest,
Unburdened from pride and sin.
Now laden with fruitful branches,
My spirit soars, baskets  o’er-flowing! 
Protect against the withering wind,
Grant me grace to live again! 
Thy hand outstretched, “Come unto me.”
Nurture me, Master of the vineyard,
Bring the wandering soul again to Thee.

NOTE:  This was a picture I took Easter weekend as our family took a hike up the mountain.  I saw the stump and also the new growth that was now springing forth from the "pruning" of the old tree.  My dad and I had been studying Jacob 5 and the parable of the Vineyard and the Master Gardener.   I had sent him the original picture I took of the tree with a letter for his birthday on Easter.  He loved it!  This is for you dad.   I gave the story/poem to my mom for Mother's Day.   D&C 88:15 gives the definition for Soul as the spirit and body combined.  Christ is the Master of my soul, He brings harmony to my body, mind and spirit.   I will always remember the lessons you taught me and to be a seeker of truth.  Gratitude for the angels who assisted me with writing, for the picture of Christ "Come to Me" by David Lindsley and David for making the 2 pictures  into 1.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Dads Passing

Dad letting mom shave??  Companions through it all!
 My mom was a picture of bittersweet joy as she cared for her eternal companion.

Mom, dad and Josh Turley
  My dad was able to experience humility in letting those around him serve him as he no longer had strength or ability to.

Melonie, Marie, dad, Marium, Malinda and Mechel
 Everyone came together to support and love each other.  Dad had so much fun seeing his 5 girls all together again and having fun, laughing and crying.....just as we did when we were young!  Those were special times.

Mom, dad and Mariah Turley
 Family and friends all wanted to come and visit with their dad, grandpa and friend, but the days were closing in fast.  We all enjoyed the time with him and shared memories.

The Curtis girls with Kathy
 Friendships were renewed...cousins are the BEST!!!

Isaac at burial as a Pall Bearer
 It is in times and experiences where we are able to reflect on our own life and see just how precious time really is and to make each day count.   To be prepared and have no regrets, for life can change in a moment and unexpected turns in life can leave an impression on those whom we have associated with for either bad or good, regretable or unforgetable.

Samuel F. Curtis Jr.
Dad, you left a life and a legacy that was unforgetable for all the reasons that make you who you are. You came into the world with a grand sense of purpose and unique style, and we made sure you went out the same way!   We will love and miss the service you gave to all who are left behind, and the vast knowledge you did not leave behind for us all, but we will keep on searching for the true knowledge that binds us all.....Our Faith in Jesus Christ and the continued desire of seeking His companionship and knowing Him.      I love you dad.

Symbolism and Numbers

Melonie with dad in hospital
There is much to be said for details, and the Lord can be found in the details of our life, or put another way, we can see His Divine Signature if we are looking.  I was looking, because I needed to know for myself that this was not a mistake in timing or an unfortunate turn of events, but a Divine Signature, that it was now time for dad to depart.  I was looking for details.  Dad was diagnosed on Friday, April 6, 2012.  It was Easter weekend.  I came immediately from Maui, Hawaii to be with him.

Jared Turley reading the scriptures with Grandpa
In the scriptures, there are patterns we can notice and measure things by to compare with things happening now or in our own life.  All things point to Christ.  Numbers have a symbolic meaning in the scriptures.  For example,  #3 means Divinity.  3 in the Godhead, Christ started his mission at 30, He died when He was 33, He died on the 9th hour, (3X3=9) He was in the tomb 3 can see the pattern.

The Seal of Melchizedek, Timing is everything
Each # can be given a symbolic meaning when studied through the eyes and patterns in scripture.  #8 is rebirth or reborn.  # 7 is spiritual perfection or a complete cycle.  Lepers were told to wash 7 times and then were pronounced clean, 7 days of the week, a complete cycle, 7 Jewish Holy Days observed by the Jews and Christ.  Again, a pattern.  Nature is very symbolic and points to Christ.  Lambs have special meaning in scripture.  I remember well a talk given in Conference telling the meaning of the Lamb.  Timing is everything.

Hands together in love on lamb skin rug dad had just purchased a couple of months earlier.
 Dad turned 70 on Easter Sunday.   He  received a blessing on each Sunday.  His passing was 21 days from when he was diagnosed. (3X7=21) He died on April 27 at 2:07 AM.  The Lamb skin by the side of dads bed he knelt to pray on, even in his last days.  The lamb skin on his bed we all took a picture of with us  connected to dad by "hands".  The timing was perfect.  It was dads time to go.  The story was in the details.