Monday, August 22, 2011

Through Nature, God Speaks

I am trying to listen.
God speaks in many ways.  He uses mediums we are familiar with, and even ones we are not in hopes of exposing us to the many ways and means of His endless ability to try and reach us.  Nature is one of them, but do we notice or are we listening?  I bought a book which I have referred to on-line but not owned till now, "Animal Speak",  in hopes of learning, noticing, observing and listening.   A friend was talking to me the other day here, he was raised Atheist and found God on his own terms after many trials and errors.  He told me an exercise he used and is teaching his teenage girls, which I want to remember.  We can hear God and feel His presence, but we have to listen.  You know, how do we learn to listen?  I have asked this many times, because it is not that easy to just do. I am sorry for my weakness in this, but sometimes I just don't recognize it.  I needed a tool or something. 
This song expresses some of my feelings, there is a God and nature can speak to us.

 He said something that struck me.
 This is it.
"How far can you listen?"  I said what do you mean?  He explained:  You sit and listen...Go to the immediate surroundings--people in the room, radio, then go farther, the next room-- TV on in house, a fan, then farther, outside--birds, cars, wind, then farther.  Downtown--more cars, the beach (for me) waves,  then try for farther, let go, don't think. Where are you? What do you feel?  What do you hear?  Is someone there?  A Presence?
What a wonderful exercise and a tool to help me!

I recalled a Cardinal bird that came and sat next to me. This was about a month ago.  I have been pondering this.   It just stayed there within 2 feet of me, just watching me. I went and got the camera.  It was still there.  I took a picture.  For about 10 minutes we just "observed" each other.  It was beautiful.  I expressed gratitude.  I wondered.....Was it for me?  I saw one the next day and several more times that week and looked it up. I wondered again.
I saw another one in the parking lot in the middle of town a few days ago in the parking stall I was pulling into.   It reminded me of this previous experience.  I will error on the side of thinking that anything good comes from God, and not possibly miss the message that was becoming obvious.
What  do Cardinals mean?  Just a few highlights:  We have an opportunity to renew our own vitality and recognize the importance of our own life roles.  We should be listening to the inner voice and aspects of creativity and intuition more strongly.  Be more  careful about your diet, that what you are eating may be injurious to yourself and affecting your overall vitality.  Cycle of 12 is important.    "Animal Speak"  Ted Andrews
 All good things to work on.   Thanks for the reminder.   I just had some tests done, and yes, I am allergic to some of the things I use for protein, almonds and some grains, wheat, quinoa and amaranth.  I will work on this.  Hhmmmm. How did that cardinal know all that? :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reasons I love Hawaii-And a few Other Observations

I started a  list months ago when I first arrived of the things I loved about Maui.
I had to add a few funny observations that make me smile.
It is getting long, so I will put them here and continue adding....

The water is always warm, but refreshing-NOT cold
No one cares what you look like
Casual is fantastic and acceptable everywhere!
If it happens, it happens.  If not, no worries!
People always say "hello" or "aloha" to you.
No one is in a hurry
45 mph is the "normal" speed
People do not honk at you-ever.
Exotic fruits are a staple-Yummy!
Flowers are everywhere
The fragrant smell when I walk in the morning
I am never cold
My skin is soft
My lips are not chappy
The beach is a 10 min. walk
There are no "ice sculptures" or fancy handouts in RS.
A table cloth is extra special
Centerpieces are not required
In every home, making rice is on the daily "To Do" list
My hair is REALLY curly!
swimming suits are worn everywhere-except church.
I am starting to feel calm and "be still."
I have been here for over 3 months and every day is....
        "another beautiful day on Maui!"

"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; 
   Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."

Thank you God for bringing me here!

Traveling Home

I was able to go to Utah soon after Leticia's husband, Samson returned from Iraq.  They  were moving to Tuscon, AZ and I now got to help her move.  I also had a Hancock family reunion in Springville Canyon and loose ends to tie up.  It was wonderful to see family again!
Traveling back, looking out the window, watching the ground below--cropcircles, roads to everywhere, squares of rich earth, clouds.

   After hours of flying over land, I was now over water.  I was getting closer.   The blue water with clouds below me...a feeling welled up inside of me, quite unexpected--I was almost home!  Out in the middle of the ocean was what I have come to feel as home.  I was coming, my family is waiting.  My home, in the middle of the ocean.

Then another thought came to me very clearly.  The similarity was stark and real.  It looked like heaven, with blue sky and white clouds.  But it was really water. Looking below, I could see the sky above.   I have another home I long to return to.  Tears came to my eyes.  I wanted and desired to do everything I possibly could to return there.  I have family there too, waiting for me to return.

Someday I'll return.  One day, I want to go home.  With His help I will get there, to my Home, up above.