Sunday, November 11, 2012

MARIAH Jan 1, 2012

We celebrated Mariah's Birthday in Hawaii!  She is 21!

She picked out her own presents...You cannot buy 
things for older kids these days!

My Mariah. "They Call the Wind, Mariah".  She blows with the wind. 
 When I was pregnant with her, we were trying to decide on a name.  
Garth and I were driving in the car and he asked me, "so what are we going to name her?"
The name Mariah came right into my mind and out of my mouth, like it was the only option. 
 It stuck.
The name fits her and only God knows all the reasons why and how.

She is a whirlwind when a job is to be done and moves like the wind.
When it is decision time....the wind is still. :)
When she is serious, it is a warm, soft wind, reassuring and confident.
Her smile is like a cool breeze,  refreshing and full of life.
When there is an argument to be gets stormy, she wins hands down!
Bring back that sunny day!
And  the warm, sunny Mariah shows her face again. 
Like a bolstering, windy day, she can change directions in a moment.
I can see in her inner strength, a strong, steady wind waiting to kick in.....
She is the wind that carries me when I need a steady arm,
"the wind beneath my wings".

Mariah and her brothers, Joshua and Jared.

Her favorite sis!  
It is funny how they get along, they are almost opposites.
Put those 2 in a room and watch things happen!
Windy and Steady

Aimee and Mariah. People said they could be sisters.

Mariah and Rachel resting after swimming and shopping!

Mariah and Tiana. 
She is a natural with kids.  
I would have been lost without her help in the middle of 8 kids.
She was #4.
She knew just what to do and was very intuitive with babies. 
She is going to be a Fabulous mom some day and an 
amazing wife to whoever can catch the wind!
I love you girlfriend!  ~mom

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