Sunday, November 11, 2012


We met so many wonderful friends on Maui.  
I do not have pictures of all of them, but we love them all.

                                          The Dalton girls, Soji and Talia.
                                What great neighbors and examples they were of good christian people.
                                                                           Miss them!

                                   Rachel learned to love playing and loved to join in with playing.

                                                         The Alana Lavaka and her 2 adorable girls.
                                            Her daughter was my favorite nursery child! Love them!

                                                             The James girls, Grace & Lila

                                     Thanksgiving with friends at the Weckers.  What memories!
                                                 (Kathleen, Joshua, Garth, Melonie, & Abyssinia)

                                                               Aimee Moore and Melonie
                       What a wonderful companion and friend she is!  Miss the talks and swimming!

                        The missionaries & melona Popsicles!!!  (Jared said these were his favorite in                  Korea too.  He would have a freezer full when they went on sale and stock up.)

                        Charlie Wecker-What a great family.  We really felt like family too!

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