Tuesday, September 18, 2012

GAMES, FOOD, and MORE FUN! (Dec. 20-24)

Playing games and just visiting and laughing about times past.  Oh, the things you find out about after they have grown up.....

Our favorite place to go for dinner, Fred's Tacos just down from our house.
Who is paying for this?

This is an "Extreme" version of spoons, the regular one wasn't exciting enough.  You pass the cards as well as rotate around the table.  Then you all dash for the spoons...not on the table, but on the floor!

Notice the cusions on the glass doors.....a bunch of teenagers, 3 of which are over 6 ft all fighting for a spoon!!!  (Kathy, Elder Hatch, Jared and Isaac)

New game Elder Hatch was teaching us.  The missionaries were over for Christmas Eve.

See Jared going "duh..." and Mariah laughing....:)

Now to end with the rest of that  hilarious story!  This is our favorite place to snorkel.  We always see turtles.  It is the back side of Makena Beach, you go through a small cemetery to get there.  We are all out in the water and Mariah is far behind as they are all swimming out to where the turtles are.  Garth says, "Mariah, come on!" to which she replies, "there is something wrong with these fins!"  Garth goes toward her and watches what she is doing.  She is not moving her feet back and forth, but moving them in and out, or up and down together......no wonder!  Everyone was in stitches as  Garth tried to explain this to her and saw what she was doing.  We all still laugh about it!

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