Saturday, April 30, 2011

Journey-Spiritual and Physical

I feel this is a spiritual journey as much as the obvious physical one. I know there is a purpose in us going to such a unique location. It feels random, but I know it is not. I know the Lord has much to teach me spiritually while I am here as well as my family and us growing closer together too. I don’t think you can go through a huge move like this and not be changed profoundly in many areas. I know this will be a pivotal point in my children’s individual lives too. There is such a wonderful, peaceful, slow, healing energy here, and I plan on absorbing and soaking up as much of it as I can! Maybe I will figure out a way to “bottle” it and send some to all of you I left behind. I know each of you have a journey too and I pray you will have all you need to grow and learn along your way. I will be thinking of you and what each of you has added to my life and how you helped me on my way. Love ya-Aloha!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Here we go--Aloha!

I had to chart the new waters we will be traveling with a blog. I am sure I will want a record of our comings and goings where we will be moving with Garth's new job. He finally got a job in Maui, Hawaii..........of all the random places!

I personally tried to persuade Garth NOT to take the job. The logistics of actually moving 7 people there and all the upheaval that started with just the thought of it was overwhelming!

Peace came from a scripture after the surrender and acceptance of the job offer. As I asked for some sort of confirmation that this was right so I would be able to have something to hold onto when the storms came. (I expected a few bad days with Garth leaving in 2 weeks, me just getting out of surgery, and moving by myself without him. Yikes!!) I asked for a scripture as I was sitting pondering, and picked up my scriptures, they opened to Omni 1. I closed my eyes, put my finger on verse 16 and read, "And they journeyed in the wilderness, and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters..." The sweetest peace went through me. I now knew without question that we were to go to Maui. Although I see it more as a paradise-not a wilderness. Here we go--Aloha!