Friday, November 25, 2011


Rachel turned 14!  I cannot believe how all my children are growing up.  I can see how in just a few years I will be left alone...with Laneah and Garth:)
I remember when we had just moved to Logan, UT with her as a baby.  It seems the time has gone by so quickly.  I never wanted her to grow up, I wanted her to stay "my baby" and it seems she did for so long, letting me snuggle her and always giving me long hugs.
Rachel is learning life lessons as she gets older, and seems to do it with grace.  She has many older siblings to learn from and does not have to "experience" it all.  At times she chooses to take in a lesson she learns from observing others.  She avoids groundings, attitude adjustments, and awkward situations it seems.  She has an obedient spirit and desires to follow Christ and do the "little things" that make all the difference.  Prayer, Scriptures and even her journal.  I am grateful for her consistency and her disposition of sunshine--for she truly shines with her radiant personality and smile.  She is a bit of sunshine in our home!

Josh and Isaac made this "Birthday Hat" on the spur of the moment.  It is out of a paper plate and pineapple leaves with a stapler.  Rachel was a good sport!

Rainbows of Fall

Someone captured how I feel about nature...this reminds me of the Logan, UT canyon drive.  I do love the colors of Fall.

 This was titled, "The Rainbows of Fall"

A stroll through the woods, a mountain hike, a nap on the beach,
in such encounters with nature we often find peace.

There's just something about the leaves, rocks, and sand
that makes us feel at home in this world.

They release us from the humdrum of our busy lives and
bring us back to the basics of life.

Love.  That is as basic as it gets.   God must love us to provide such beauty.  Thank you God, for the peace your creations bring!  It reminds me You are there.